Come Awake Christian Women's Support Group

Come Awake Christian Women's Support Group

A 15 week journey through the book Altogether You addressing topics important to every betrayed partner:

  • Boundaries
  • Gaslighting
  • Establishing safety
  • Finding our identity in the midst of trauma
  • Navigating resentment
  • Finding real support
  •  and more...
Group will meet weekly via Zoom beginning August 9th at 7 PM CST on Friday evenings.

Early Bird Price: $250

Complete registration and payment here. 

Ends July 14th 


Regular Price:  $280

Complete registration and payment here.  
Please purchase the book, Altogether You.
Not able to join a group right now? Check out the Awakening Mini-Courses that include what we learn in group as well as corresponding workbooks for processing your own story.

Needing 1:1 support? Schedule a free, no obligation consultation today!


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