Come Awake Foundations of Health Community
A Manageable Habit-Stacking Plan for Sustainable Self-Care After Betrayal
Come Awake Foundations of Health helps betrayed partners create lasting, healing habits by incorporating a particular Focus into each part of their daily routine one week at a time over the course of 13 months. Every partner crafts a unique-to-her routine with unique-to-her goals. Each Focus can be revisited cyclically to build upon or update as they continue on through different seasons of life.
What This Program IS
- An implementation of basic self-care techniques built into our day-to day lives
- A flexible tool to help you improve your standard of living while healing from betrayal
- A resource to use to improve energy and function in order to continue to recover and heal.
- Suggestions that can be adapted to fit your unique needs and capabilities
- A way to find encouragement from others and build trust with yourself which focuses on what you can control
- A "to do" list to add to the stress you already have
- A guilt trip for all that you are not able to currently do
- A measuring stick for how well you are healing
- A comprehensive plan for how to heal from betrayal
How to Use This Program
- Join the Come Awake Foundations of Health Facebook Community
- Post questions in the Facebook group Featured Section to be answered in the weekly Q&A
- Connect with others in the WhatsApp
- Share pictures, what you are learning, and ideas in the group on FB or in the WhatsApp
- Attend our monthly meetings
- Listen to Coach Casey's weekly videos that will lead you step-by-step through the program
- Follow the Plan.
Schedule a FREE Initial Consultation and gain the tools and insight to journey toward healing from betrayal.
Disclaimer: Coaching is not a therapy nor is it meant to help anyone with psychological disorders. If you are looking for help for psychological disorders, please contact a professional. I am not a healthcare professional. Please consult your physician before you begin any health program.
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