Come Awake Foundations of Health

 A Manageable Habit-Stacking Plan for Sustainable Self-Care After Betrayal

Come Awake Foundations of Health Summer Intensive helps betrayed partners create lasting habits by incorporating a particular Focus into each part of your daily routine one week at a time. Each Focus can be revisited cyclically to build upon or update as you continue on through different seasons of life. Every partner crafts a unique-to-her routine with unique-to-her goals. 

Cost for the summer Intensive is Early Bird: $475 (May 14-17) or $500 for 12 weeks plus your first 1:1 session to create your Bare Minimum Routine. You can subscribe to a payment plan of $45 per week if you would like to spread out the cost. We begin the week of May 26th.

Steps to Join this Summer Intensive:

  1. Vote for your preferred meeting time (Date will be announced May 17th)
  2. Please register here.
  3.  Schedule your 1:1 session to create a Bare Minimum Routine
  4. Make your payments using the links in the text above to finalize your commitment.

What This Program IS

  • An implementation of basic self-care techniques built into our day-to day lives
  • A flexible tool to help you improve your standard of living while healing from betrayal
  • A resource to use to improve energy and function in order to continue to recover and heal.
  • Suggestions that can be adapted to fit your unique needs and capabilities
  • A way to find encouragement from others and build trust with yourself which focuses on what you can control

What This Program IS NOT

  • A "to do" list to add to the stress you already have
  • A guilt trip for all that you are not able to currently do
  • A measuring stick for how well you are healing
  • A comprehensive plan for how to heal from betrayal 

How to Use This Program

  • Schedule a session with Casey to create your Bare Minimum Routine.
  • Between sessions, consider and "test out" how you can incorporate the weekly Focus
  • Find habits you already have and "stack" the weekly Focus into your routine.
  • Practice your new daily routine.


That's it! Each week you will build one habit that can significantly improve your energy and function. In the WhatsApp group, share pictures of what you have tried, describe one of your routines, or detail ways you have incorporated your weekly Focus. Celebrate that you were able to accomplish even ONE routine in one day. No victory is too small to celebrate, and each challenge is an opportunity for encouragement and growth.


 Schedule a FREE Initial Consultation, and gain the tools and insight to journey toward healing from betrayal. 


 Disclaimer: Coaching is not a therapy nor is it meant to help anyone with psychological disorders. If you are looking for help for psychological disorders, please contact a professional. I am not a healthcare professional. Please consult your physician before you begin any health program. 



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